now I don't mean the Aussie boy band... what has happened to those boys anyway?? Did they break up?? Ooh back to my post lol
I mean the way people are. In their nature to be arseholes and negative, pessimistic.
Ok let me explain a bit more. I have mentioned previously about a comp that Ashy Bines ran offering $5000 for the best transformation pic. Didn't have to be a clean eater. It could have been anyone. OK so the chick who won is this gal named Erin. Well there's a lot of controversy around it all. Girls in the Ashy forum are getting shitty because a clean eating girl from Ashy's Forum should have won. Well Ashy set that the competition was open to anyone. Anyway I am sure people would not be so pissed off if so many people weren't posting in the forum about her having lap band surgery. Apparently this is cheating. OMG!!! Seriously. How in god's name is this cheating!!! From my understanding it is a pretty torturous surgery and then eating is like being in hell.
The chick from the Ashy Forum who was winning at one stage, and subsequently stripped of her votes due to cheating or some other drama, kept going on and on and on about how Erin was not deserving as she had surgery to get where she needed. That it was not as much as an achievement as someone who did it by clean eating. I was getting angry as this girl was using the forum to put out a poor little me, I'm a mum of a few kids look how well I've done, this other girl doesn't deserve it blah blah. I voted for a different girl, my friend Rebecca that I met in the forum. She has a son, who I think just turned 1 and has done really well to drop 15ish kgs in 9 weeks! But she wasn't on there going on and on and on about why she is more deserving! If anything she was a big supporter of all the other ladies on there. Everyone deserves some accolades no matter how they achieved their weight loss.
Erin has a blog which I decided to read. All I can say is OMG! I have a new found respect for anyone who goes through lap band or any other surgery to try and achieve their goals for weight loss. A tough road for sure!
here is a link to her post.
have a read. Seriously this woman should be commended on how she beat the bulge! Who cares how she did it. She wanted to win the money so she could go and get some surgery to remove excess skin. I even noticed that some girls, who I might add are friends of the girl who did not win, saying she had surgery and therefore did not deserve to win. That Ashy opened it to anyone as a publicity stunt blah blah blah blah. Yes Erin did have lap band surgery, but that didn't drop her weight! She had to eat to get the weight down! It took her 4 years roughly!
Honestly I feel like I am amongst some of Australia's biggest bitchy women in this forum! We are all trying to lose weight in this world and how we do it... well does it really matter if I have more success doing it the clean eating way and that I have not needed to resort to a drastic measure like surgery or needed to do it with Jenny Craig, WW or any other program out there... Does it make me any more special??? No it does not. We all have our own journeys. Be happy that someone achieved their happy ending! Why do we need to bring them down and try to take away their spirit? I have typed up so many responses to these posts and then deleted them of course. No point arguing with people who are not willing to accept any other shade than what they see as black and white. God I know this by being married to my husband! He has no inclination to see things any other way than his own way! I have no intention to replying to any of the posts as I know that from seeing other comments, these people don't get it. Oh and then there are those that say.. ooh it can't be the same person as her tattoo is on the other leg... oh seriously???? Do you not notice she has had one person take the pic and the other pic she is doing it herself in the mirror?!?! argh idiots! I guess that some people just make that choice to pick apart a person's success rather than accept it for what it is and commend them. They have no happiness in their heart and therefore can not be truly appreciative of anyone else holding the spotlight.
I am now choosing to skip over any further posts about Erin. They just make me so... I was going to say angry but they don't make me that.. I know they make me so frustrated... I do not need anger or irrationality (part from that which comes from my 4 year old!) in my life. I am now all about surrounding myself with positivity, letting all the silly unimportant things pass by. People will be people. We all have choices. I choose not to let these people waste anymore of my energy with being frustrated at their useless comments :-)
I am sure we all know someone who has been like this. .. Doesn't even have to be in regards to weight. Can be anything. Shit I have probably been this kind of person in the past. If I had then I am sorry. I am trying to enrich my life and bring positivity to it. So I assure you it won't happen again :-) And if it does just give me a sign.. maybe the peace fingers and I'll pull my head in lol
I am choosing to ignore the negative people in my life and get rid of those that I can :-) I only want to be surrounded by supportive people. The saying is true... Life is too short :-)
In saying that Night peeps.
PS Fingers crossed to waking nice and refreshed in the morning.. ready to get back into the gym!!!! Withdrawals for sure x
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