Sunday, January 29, 2012

Putting it out there-- feeling naked

Ok so I have been blogging off and on for some time now though all previous "history" has been deleted as we are not going to be making those mistakes again.. All I want to know about is currently the here and now and where I will be going.

I had shared my blog once before and I think from just having my friend Meg and Toni comment I never really knew if anyone was out there reading my posts. I guess it is better to know that no one is so that way they couldn't see in writing my failings. But I think with living away from close family you need that support, you need to know that hey Wen I relate to that or pull your head in that is a dumb thing to say.

So on my facebook page I have sent a PM to people on my friends list that I value their support and friendship of. Now I better clear up it is not to say that some people are more valuable then others etc... I guess it comes down to who I feel the most comfortable with at this stage in my life to share my journey with. Especially the early stages where numbers are big and I am embarrassed to my core!!! I know that I am me with these friends and they have no judgement. I am sure that as the numbers go down I am going to shout it to the world how successful I am doing but having tried and failed on my god numerous attempts I want to keep this new beginning low key.. I know they will keep me accountable.. I know they will support me.... and "the chosen ones" if you are reading this now... I love you so give me the loving back ha ha ha :-)

I am actually quite nervous and apprehensive putting this out there as I hate the number on the scale.. But I have printed out something I stole from my friend Petina's FB page. So I keep telling myself and reading this to reassure that there is more to me than this damn number!!!

1 comment:

  1. 'Don’t let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use.'

    Xx love you Wen.
