I am going to post a typical days worth of food as I am not sure I have done it in the past but it will give you an idea as to what I eat "clean eating". My friend Carolyn had asked me on FB if I am ever starving and what do I do if I am or has my appetite changed.
I don't think it has changed at all but I do ensure I eat every 3 hours to keep my metabolism fuelled and if I go past this it is when I am starving. I try not to do that though!
When I wake I have a glass of water with lemon in it.
breakfast: 2 poached eggs, Slice of Bergen Rye bread toasted, maybe 2slices of short cut bacon (not especially clean as bacon is processed however I do buy the Free Range bacon and limit myself to having it with Andrew only on the weekends), baby spinach and rocket leaves, mushrooms, avocado OR 2 scoops of Protowhey, cup organic almond milk, 1/2 banana and handful of berries blended to make a delicious fruit smoothie! I may add 1/3-1/2 cup of oats but depends how I feel and usually i think on hunger factor. Breakfast should always be the biggest meal. I try to have my daily carbs here.
Snack: green apple or banana. I sometimes add 1/2 cup of natural Greek yogurt to the apple cut up. Very yummy. I love the tartness of Natural yogurt. I no longer have any of the other yogurts as they are full of artificial sweeteners. Jalna Greek is not. I also may have 2 Ryvitas, the Rye ones with a smothering of Natural Organic Peanut Butter and the banana mashed on top! Oh my goodness. Try it. Delicious
Lunch: 100g chicken breast diced coated with Moroccan spice baked in the oven, red onion, green lettuce leaves including baby spinach and rocket, capsicum, roasted sweet potato, fresh beetroot, tablespoon of Ricotta. Sometimes I will use a Mountain Bread Light Rye Wrap but mostly eat it without the wrap.
Snack: 10 almonds or a nut mix of Almonds, raw peanuts, Brazil nuts and Pepita. I also make some protein muffins so may have one of these instead
Dinner: Can be clean nachos, chicken/steak and veg, clean lasagna, Mexican pie
I try to limit my corn, peas, carrot and pumpkin to lunch and have no potato at all. I only have bread in the morning with breakfast and if I want a sandwich for lunch it will usually be on a Mountain Bread Wrap instead or on 4 Ryvitas. I limit my milk and other dairy. I have only one cup of coffee a day but have milk and 2 sugars in this. I have tried the Natural Sweeteners and hate it so use them in my baking only. Due to not wanting to have black coffee or tea I try to not have them. I also limit my fruit as it is high in sugars and have them in the AM. Tomato is also high in sugar so limit this to lunch but of course do have it in moderation.
After a work out I will use a protein shake, especially a weights work out. I do take Dfine8 which is a pre workout supplement to give you energy but try to limit this but some days I am afraid I need it to get the workout done! It is just like having a massive caffeine hit. I also take Fish Oil tablets.
I try to drink minimum 3 litres water a day and I do admit freely that I am struggling daily.
I need to focus on water, ensuring my meals are clean and no mindless eating of the girl's foods which has crept in over this weekend!!! I also need to focus on sleep and getting to bed early!!!
I feel my focus has strayed a little this week due to having to think about and sort the issue at hand but we are almost there so can get back on track totally and not be distracted mentally!
ooh I don't count calories at all and just try to ensure that I am having at least in my meat protein 100gms and lots of greens! eg broccoli, zucchini, Brussels sprouts, beans. I have sweet potato. I also would like to try cauliflower rice. (raw cauliflower blended in a food processor and then steamed)
When I am eating regularly and ensuring my meals are filling then I never go hungry. Also sometimes we are thirsty and mistake this for water. If I am not near my 3 hours I drink some water and wait usually and I'd say 99% of the time my hunger feeling goes.
Hope this helps Carolyn :-) I must say just keeping in mind that if it is from the ground, sea or walks then it is better for me. If it has been modified in any way or processed then I aim to steer clear. Sure it is hard as we are so used to eating the foods we do however our ancestors ate a cleaner organic way of life and that is what we need to get back to!
Thanks Wendi! Great reminder of the little things that can creep up eg having more vegetables as a substitute for pasta and rice, I've been having a little pasta/rice at dinner... very little but I think that's had an impact. I also really respect the classic water with lemon instead of coffee all day. I think I'll try to decrease the coffee, switch to decaf tea (which I drink without milk) and try lemon water. Hey can I subscribe to your blog or do I have to remember to log in?
ReplyDeleteThanks again for the post - it helped me!
PS Matt comes home this afternoon after HIS bike ride and I said RIGHT! That's MY time to exercise. I used to be good at that but Jess and I have been sick and have slid into the "tired Mum desperate to catch up on sleep and work" routine that you mentioned. So I'm GOING to turn it around NOW! (I was going to write try but that implies the ability to fail!)