I have not had this struggle in such a long time. I have let my guard down and really have let loose on my eating and my body is suffering big time!
It all started last Friday though I guess over the week it has suffered. I am really struggling with ensuring I am eating enough snacks through the day and also that I am guzzling enough water. Now add this to trying to get to bed at a reasonable time and well that is a terrible concoction.
Then Ben and Skye arrive and I really let my guard down. How easy is it to slip into old habits and not focus on your food. Yes I don't want it to consume my being but I also don't want to be fueling my body with complex carbs and crap. So for dinner we had a bbq which was great. Had a nice piece of steak with salad.... and a bread roll. The breakfast Saturday was back to my healthy 2 poached eggs on a slice of rye. Lunch Salad and ham sangers on white bread :-( Shared and ice cream from Smelly Cheese Shop with Lucille and then dinner was tomato pasta at around 730. I don't know why I did pasta!!!!!!! We had mince out and I was going to do a Mexican Pie but then due to unsettled kids etc went with the easier cooking option. The next day breakfast was good again, the usual. Lunch was fish and chips at Nelson Bay. A piece of oily battered fish! and some not so nice chips.Then a Magnum Ice cream before we hit the road to head home. Dinner was healthy clean Chicken Parmi. Not so much water consumed over this period though a few workouts in the morning.
It was a terrible few days really in relation to my clean eating. Yes healthy option in some regards and only the fish and chips and pasta were the stand outs but the bread!!!! Oh so much bread!
I will not lie and say I hate myself for no being strong and eating for me, rather than ease. But I will also say that it was nice to hang out with Ben and family. I do feel bloated, lethargic and all round like shit. I am on struggle street!!!! oh and it does not help that god is obviously a man and is giving me the worst TTOM I have had in such a long time!!!!!! Migraines today and cramping and blah. Arsehole is one word. yes yes blasphemy and all but it is true right now. No love for the dude right now! lol
I'm not going to waste any more energy though stressing about my wrongs because as of tomorrow I'm to focus on doing it right. I have a meal plan for the next week set and will share it tomorrow or so with you. I will go back to basics and strip my day down with each meal and ensure snack ideas are present. I did my grocery shop tonight so no excuses. I love my body changes and I am not going back!!!! Never!
Night all... tomorrow is a new day
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