I can't believe it has been almost a fortnight since I last blogged!!!
Ok so an update.
I've been plodding along nicely. I have struggled big time with getting any weight or cms gone in the last fortnight. I guess being sick has not helped. Then the girls got sick and I had just really lost my focus. All the stupid things came back, only one won't hurt, it is semi clean blah blah blah.
I don't know if I had posted about getting a new program done at the gym?? Ok well I saw a PT at the gym to get a new program as part of my membership. She had me lifting weights way above my capabilities. I mean seriously 20kg chest press and upright row!!!!!! So I lost focus a little and went back to just smashing out my cardio.
This though wasn't helping me. I have goals that I want to achieve and well I needed further assistance. So I saw Annie. She was the lady I wrote back ages ago that I saw with my friend Jac and Teagan. Discussing food etc. Well I contacted her and asked her to see me and we had an awesome chat about food and exercise. Oh she is just what I needed. I have a new 6 week program and we went through all the weights and I am using dumbbells and not the machines so that if I can't get to the gym I can still do my session at home with the weights we have here!! Hooray!
Today is my first day and as I have started play group Mondays then I will be doing my session at home. WOW!!!!! I thought I was not too bad with weights, well the lower end of weights but how wrong was I!!! Only onwards and upwards from here though!!! I feel good! Well arms are dead but I feel good.
When talking food we discussed clean eating, cutting out processed garbage that our bodies don't need bread etc and it was refreshing to know food wise I am on the right path. I just need to watch portions and drink more water!!!!!!
ooh and I have decided to do a 10 day detox. Just rid my body of some of the impurities that my be holding me back. Annie discussed doing this food wise and doing a 6 month detox but I don't think I could go that long on it even though it is not much different to food now I am eating. I will be trying to buy more organic produce and introduce more fish into our diet also. Will do this 10 days strictly and hopefully it is the recharge my body needs. ooh and no caffeine so no Dfine8!!!!! Though no big cardio sessions either, which I'll struggle with, but towards the end when I'm over the first 4 days and I start feeling better ie; headaches gone, general lethargy you feel when impurities are going from your body, I'll get into it again. So long as I do my weights and keep progressing with that program I'll be happy.
There is only roughly 12 weeks until the wedding so I need to get cracking and get lower in these numbers or at least in dress sizes so I can look smoking in a fabulous new dress!!!!
As of this morning weight in I am sitting at 103.6. I have been as far down over the last week as 102.2 but I will take my weight from this morning and it is 103.6! So below 104 and that makes me happy. Now to move forward and get this train really rolling!!!!
Happy Monday :-)
Good job Wen x
ReplyDeleteGood job Wen x