Thursday, February 2, 2012

you know those days

yep the ones where you can't be bothered doing anything. You don't want to have to worry about your food, do any exercise and just stay in bed. Yep... that is me today. It is raining.. just a constant miserable drizzle... it is so shit I hate it.

I have the worst bloody migraine still. My god they are hanging around. One thing I have noticed since Lucille has been born is my mood. Is it because I have moved away? I am away from the really close support network I had especially with my parents. I really miss my parents. Makes me sad when I think about it. My mum is my best friend. We have the best chats, we go shopping together, I had always dropped in randomly with Eleanor when Andrew was away. I miss having them nearby and I hate being away from them. I know my sisters Tracy and Michelle would relate as they live away too. I don't know if they think of their relationships with mum the same as me, but I have lived at home the longest I guess. Of course they miss them that is not what I mean. When I think best friend, my mum always comes to mind. Eleanor loves it when she asks me who my best friends are and I say firstly my mummy. She always tells me I am her best friend. 

I am sure the last few days she has not thought that. My mood has been terrible. But it has been for the last year I think. Though I do think she has been a little bitch the last few days too. She has been really argumentative and not doing as I ask. She is so hot headed. I think it is the red head in her.. she is not full red but kinda Strawberry ... it is bloody close enough to. I dread her as a teenager that is for sure. Lucille will be the placid one I reckon.... I hope. Anyway I have been so moody and I think it has a lot to do with hormones. I am really trying to eat clean ie no processed foods, fatty foods, butter and sugar. Trying to eat fresh.. I am hoping to see a naturopath soon and see what they have to say.

oh getting back on track. So it was one of those days.. well starting out to be.. But instead of a mopey mood I thought right let's get this housework done. So turned Eleanor's tv off and cranked up my ipod. We have a Denon sound system so hooked it up to that and it was just so bloody good. I felt sorry for my neighbour across the road as he is a miner and does shift work and I am sure he was on nights but he has a roller shutter that he puts down when he is sleeping and it was up so I assumed back on days or day off. My favourite song in the whole wide world came on... Pitbull "Give me Everything" So I picked up Lucille and danced with her. She was loving it and boy throwing around a 10kg+ baby was a great work out. It was so mood uplifting. Dancing and listening to her and then Eleanor joined us and we all danced. Was fantastic. Felt so bloody good. My mood improved greatly. I do love my girls even when sometimes I think.... oh to have the life of freedom again... come on let's be honest we have all thought that from time to time.

Then I vac the floor which Lucille loves chasing the vac around. I thought she would hate the vac but nope she loves it. She pulls herself to standing next to it and turns the bloody thing off constantly. She thinks it is hilarious. Takes me a longer time to get it done but I think of the incidental exercise of turning it back on etc. I tried mopping but um no she wants to play in the bucket. So off to bed she goes and ah peace. Can mop in silence and get it done quickly. Though Eleanor has a million questions as to why is the water hot, why use soap, what's that thingy.. meaning the lever to push down to squeeze the water out. So not so peaceful mop... :-(

My friend Jacque turned up for a catch up and play date for Eleanor. I have been taping Home and Away as we both watch Biggest Loser. Whilst it is on we are going to do a weekly Home and Away catch up. Sad I know ha ha. But I love it.

Was mindful of my food all day considering my mood. Lunch was my usual salad roll. Was yummy as per usual!

I did cook the yummiest meal for dinner. Creamy Chicken pasta..... oh I can hear the gasps now.
How is that low fat Wendi!!! Well let me tell you :-) Now this serves 2
1/2 onion
3 mushrooms - I picked the slightly bigger ones and sliced slightly thicker
3 slices of short cut bacon cut in thick strips
3 cloves of garlic.... yes I like my sauce garlicky. So use as many as you like
4 tbs of Philly Cooking Cream 60% lite (this is the fattiest item so if you know of a way to get it down lower in fat let me know but it isn't too bad)
125g wholemeal pasta
boil water for the pasta and cook
whilst pasta is cooking
fry the onion and bacon on a medium heat as you don't want the bacon cooked crisp
then add mushrooms once these are soft and the pasta has cooked add the cream.
Stir until heated through and then add to drained pasta
Voila you have below meal! tasted delicious and all for 388 calories and 7.6g fat

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