Today woke up with renewed energy and determination. Lucille down for a sleep and I am on the treadmill and weights.
1 hour 12 mins later and I have burnt 535 calories!
I was on tready at 6.5km hr no incline for 15 mins with every 2nd minute for 2 minutes running at 7.4kmh. I even pushed myself at one stage to run for 3mins!!! I was so sore and wanted to stop but just kept thinking no pain no gain!
I then did some ab, triceps, biceps and back work as per Michelle Bridges Dvd. I had also downloaded an app for my phone which had some butt work on it so did that. Millions of lunges and squats with and without weights. I did 50 kettle bell swings (though I used 2 x 2.5kg weights that I held in my hands together)
I felt so good and just realised what I had been missing the last couple of days in my slump.
I am back to eating clean and won't be allowing any deviations from clean eating until I am in double digits! 11.2kgs to go!!! Yes that seems like ages away but with dedication it won't be. Slow and steady I know :-) I've had 2-3 days of semi clean eating and no exercise. I will not be using PMS as an excuse anymore!!!!
I feel so good after my session.
ooh I have sorted out the issue to ensuring I am getting enough water. I have a few different water bottles at home so rather than filling the same one up. I just drink one at a time through the day so I can see where I am up to and if I need to drink more. Has been working wonders today. Thanks to Jacque for that idea!
I am off to Newcastle tomorrow for some IPL on my underarms. So sick of shaving those buggers and Ella Rouge had an amazing price of $9!! SO that is tomo. No gym I'm afraid but I will commit to getting to bed on time today and to a fat burning walk before Lucy wakes. I'll be up about 545!!! Jeepers lol
Nice work Pascoe x