Thursday, June 28, 2012

There is approximately 25kgs of excess that needs to go.  So look out!!!!

Lindy Olsen's 7 Rules to Success

Ok so I thought I would try and get back some positivity that is lacking in this mind at the moment. SHITTY BLOODY COLD WEATHER!!!!! I stumbled across this article in my daily search on the net. Thought I'd share :-)

Lindy Olsen's (editor of Oxygen Magazine) 7 RULES OF SUCCESS!!!

Rule 1 - ALWAYS eat a LEAN source of protein at every meal. You can get your lean protein from many different sources. Some of these include chicken breast, lean beef, turkey, fish, kangaroo and egg whites. Eating enough protein is VITAL for muscle growth and repair not to mention other essential ...bodily functions!!

Rule 2 - Always eat 5-7 meals EVERY day about 3-4hrs apart! I always eat 5-6 small meals each day in order to keep my metabolism on fire. If you skip brekky the chances of your metabolism becoming slow and sluggish is increased significantly. I want to make sure my metabolism stays revved up and in top gear throughout the day

Rule 3 - Eat your Greens.. Try to eat at east 5 servings of vegetables a day, as a means to help boost immune function and reduce risk for chronic disease. Remember restricting any one of the major food groups can lead to a macronutrient imbalance and corresponding vitamin and mineral deficiency.

Rule 4 - Every 9 out of 10 meals you have, has to be in your plan. In other words if you are eating 5 times per day, you would eat 35 meals per week in total. Effectively 3.5 of them can be your choice, within reason of course. I call these my junk meals, so try to find out what combination works best for you and stick to 300-600 (no more) junk meals (cheat meals).

Rule 5 - AVOID sugar and limit your complex carbs (starchy carbs) with your last 2 meals unless training! Hidden sugar is the number one enemy for most "saddle bag" sufferers and is a major reason why many people fall short of reaching their health and fitness goals. Read your food labels carefully and try to avoid rich sauces and fatty dressings that contain large amounts!

Rule 6 - Drink at least 500ml of water with every 10kg of body weight (60kilos = 3litres of water per day) Water is my number one weight loss secret! It has no calories, sugar or fats and is a great way to quench your thirst without adding to your waistline. Many people often mistake thirst for hunger, so if you drink plenty of water throughout the day, you may need less food to..

Rule 7 - MOVE MORE! Try to get yourself moving each day for a minimum 30-45minutes before your day begins. When you get outdoors for a walk or hit the gym just remember to schedule it in before the day ends. I find best to get it over and done with first thing in the morning. That way if I am tired from a hard days work, it doesn't give me an excuse not to do".

Soooo these are pretty straight forward and simple in all honesty. Very easy to incorporate them in our daily life.  Rule 6 though you are so so so true. I am struggling with this colder weather to get my water in and I feel shit for it. I really do. I feel dehydrated, my skin feel sdry, I am head achey and just yuck. I know that the water is a big thing and it really is an inportant instrument in weight loss but also in just general health and wellbeing. I am making a more conscious effort though to drink it so I will get there.

So what Rules do you need to live by or start incorporating in your daily grind???
Hope you found this as intereting as I did :-)

Monday, June 25, 2012

Long time no speak hey

I can't believe it has been almost a fortnight since I last blogged!!!

Ok so an update.

I've been plodding along nicely. I have struggled big time with getting any weight or cms gone in the last fortnight. I guess being sick has not helped. Then the girls got sick and I had just really lost my focus. All the stupid things came back, only one won't hurt, it is semi clean blah blah blah.

I don't know if I had posted about getting a new program done at the gym?? Ok well I saw a PT at the gym to get a new program as part of my membership. She had me lifting weights way above my capabilities. I mean seriously 20kg chest press and upright row!!!!!! So I lost focus a little and went back to just smashing out my cardio.

This though wasn't helping me. I have goals that I want to achieve and well I needed further assistance. So I saw Annie. She was the lady I wrote back ages ago that I saw with my friend Jac and Teagan. Discussing food etc. Well I contacted her and asked her to see me and we had an awesome chat about food and exercise. Oh she is just what I needed. I have a new 6 week program and we went through all the weights and I am using dumbbells and not the machines so that if I can't get to the gym I can still do my session at home with the weights we have here!! Hooray!

Today is my first day and as I have started play group Mondays then I will be doing my session at home. WOW!!!!! I thought I was not too bad with weights, well the lower end of weights but how wrong was I!!! Only onwards and upwards from here though!!! I feel good! Well arms are dead but I feel good.

When talking food we discussed clean eating, cutting out processed garbage that our bodies don't need bread etc and it was refreshing to know food wise I am on the right path. I just need to watch portions and drink more water!!!!!!

ooh and I have decided to do a 10 day detox. Just rid my body of some of the impurities that my be holding me back. Annie discussed doing this food wise and doing a 6 month detox but I don't think I could go that long on it even though it is not much different to food now I am eating. I will be trying to buy more organic produce and introduce more fish into our diet also. Will do this 10 days strictly and hopefully it is the recharge my body needs. ooh and no caffeine so no Dfine8!!!!! Though no big cardio sessions either, which I'll struggle with, but towards the end when I'm over the first 4 days and I start feeling better ie; headaches gone, general lethargy you feel when impurities are going from your body, I'll get into it again. So long as I do my weights and keep progressing with that program I'll be happy.

There is only roughly 12 weeks until the wedding so I need to get cracking and get lower in these numbers or at least in dress sizes so I can look smoking in a fabulous new dress!!!!

As of this morning weight in I am sitting at 103.6. I have been as far down over the last week as 102.2 but I will take my weight from this morning and it is 103.6! So below 104 and that makes me happy. Now to move forward and get this train really rolling!!!!

Happy Monday :-)

Thursday, June 7, 2012

An update

ok so had to get to the doctors today as I hit rock bottom.
My throat was killing me, my chest all congested and well just a long list of ailments that seriously you would put a bullet in a cow for the things wrong with me lol

I have a chest and sinus infection. Not had one in god knows how long!

No cardio until at least Monday :-(

I am devo as I just have no motivation and energy and feel so lethargic.

I will get better and get back into it but just wish I was better now!!!!

Anyway sorry there's been no posts from me for a few days. Nothing to report :-(

Sunday, June 3, 2012


I have what I think is Tonsillitis!!!! EEEKKK
I feel miserable. My body aches, I have no energy and then wowsers add my sore throat to the mix and the yucky coughing up crap and that is me

Will see how it goes tomorrow and then if needed go to docs.

Trying to put it out there that I am not sick so the universe pays me in kind :-)

I will have to put a hold on the gym as I have no energy to walk nor to lift weights.

A bit of a dampener on my June goals but that is ok. I will eat cleanly and try to rest as much as I can to get over it. Damn it and I have been so healthy for so long!!! See what happens when you eat well and try and be good your body says ah hell no! lol I am kidding.

I let myself get run down but not sleeping well. So I will stick to my June goal and get my butt into bed by 9 every night at the latest!!!!!!!!

here's to a speedy recovery!!!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Anywhere Workout

So while I was surfing the net last night and checking out Fitness model pages etc I came across this one on Jennifer Andrews IFBB Pro Bikini Athlete site

Thought it was awesome to share.

Warm up: 5-minute speed walk, making sure to swing your arms and take long stride
Perform this complete sequence 1-2 times
5-minute jog
20 Pop squats (start in a wide stance, squat, jump and bring feet together, jump back out to a wide squat)
15 (sets) switch lunges (start in a lunge position, jump while switching to lunge position on the opposite leg, repeat)
20 standard squats
1-minute walk
4-minute jog
50 high punches while in a horse stance (um not too sure about this stance. I even googled it and didn't find anything??)
15 push-ups
20 mountain climbers
1-minute walk
4-minute jog
15 walking lunges (30 total)
15 wide high jumps
10 leap jumps (start in a wide stance, squats and leap forward, land in a wide squat, repeat)
1-minute walk
4-minute jog
20 jumping jacks
50 standard punches in horse stance
15 push-ups
Cool down and stretch

Not sure if I'll give it a go but it looked pretty cooked if you were strapped for time or stuck in doors with no options :-)

New Recipe

Ok so I thought I would start posting more pics and recipes of the meals I make

First cab off the rank is Chicken Parmigiana
This is my all time favourite dish and I love making it.

2 Free Range /Organic Chicken breasts sliced in half length ways
1 brown onion diced
3 cloves of garlic (or you can use jar stuff though try and get the organic one)
tsp Italian herbs
tin of Organic tomatoes
jar of Organic Passata
cup of Almond Meal
1 egg beaten
3tbs coconut oil to fry
1 cup Ricotta or Cottage Cheese

brown the onion then add the garlic, Italian herbs and tin tomato and passata
allow this to simmer on low heat

In a separate bowl beat the egg, in another bowl have the almond meal
Dip the chicken breast in the egg and then coat with the almond meal.
Fry the chicken in the coconut oil until browned.

In a casserole dish place a serving of the sauce mix on the bottom of the dish. Place chicken on top covering with the remaining sauce.
Place tbs of the ricotta along the chicken so that each individual chicken has some ricotta spread.

(mine is a little naughty tonight with some Parmesan sprinkled on top also)

Serve with a side of greens or any other veg you like :-)

Side note: 
  • If you don't have Almond meal then use crushed up Rye Ryvitas.
  • I weigh my chicken breast to ensure that when sliced in half it is no more than 100gm (150gm at the most!)
  • If you don't have Coconut Oil use Avocado, Canola or Macadamia oil. Olive oil turns into a bad fat when heated at high temp and loses all the benefits of being a good fat.
  • I alter the sauce to taste so I may add more herbs or garlic depending
  • I don't like Cottage Cheese when it is heated therefore I use Ricotta. Now Cottage is higher in protein but I figure with my Chicken I am getting a decent serve anyway. Also Cottage is casein dominant therefore keeping you fuller for longer whereas Ricotta is whey so breaks down faster. Again personal choice.
  • If you want to make your meal lighter then do not coat the chicken in the Almond meal. Almonds are a good source of Omegas but of course have a higher fat ratio. A good fat but if you are counting calories then it would bump them up for sure.
So that was our dinner tonight and thank god I have some left overs for next week when Andrew is away! Only need to steam some greens and I am set!!!!

The chicken breasts we got were quite large so cute off a fair bit. Diced these up and coated them in Moroccan Spice to have in salads for lunch during the week. YUMMO

Hope you enjoy :-)

Friday, June 1, 2012

New gym program

new gym program and it is a killer, I am dead!!!! Seriously my arms are killing me
I feel a renewed sense of determination! I have goals now and ready to get stuck into it.

June goals start NOW!!!!!

oooh and doing weight and some cardio I burnt 477 calories in 52 mins. I was meant to do treadmill at end but with this head cold I was so dizzy and blah so didn't want to push myself. Calories burnt would have been heaps bigger!

So excited.... well I would be if I wasn't so sore!!!!