Wednesday, March 14, 2012

 I like this one as I think it relates to the way I was feeling yesterday. I am not losing faith. I know that I have this one in the bag. It is not a question of "if" it is a question of  "when"
 Ooh I hope so!!!! Love her curves!
 I am a caterpillar who will become a butterfly. My outside will reflect my inside :-)
 I am trying to wake up every day without excuses. I saw this and thought yep.. that's me :-)
 I like the saying on this one but I also think her body is hot!
 I found this one last night and then when I jump on FB today my friend Toni had posted it to my wall. It is definitely something I think. Can't believe she picked it too!!!!!
 I can't wait to have a healthy toned strong body!!!!!
 Amen. I love it. Loving being back in the gym too!
Start with food as that is 80% of the equation and then factor in your exercise and voila perfect formula! Can't all happen at once so take your time, put in 100% effort daily and I'll get there!

 I am trying every day to do just that!
 For sure!!!! If you believe that you can push hard for 5mins on the Cross Trainer at 12.5RPM Level 5 then yep the body does it!!!
I am looking forward to a healthier brighter future. Where I am not so depressed about being over weight. Where I can live in my relationship physically not just emotionally. Where I can be more social and not be uncomfortable. To eat cleaner foods that I know nourish my body, I will miss the crap but only because it is good tasting crap ha ha but I know that it is not the way to live. I don't even believe you can have them in moderation as they still don't give me any nutritional benefit. Sure I am going to crave naughty foods. but after a while I know I won't. The future is where my head is at!