Monday, April 30, 2012

ok here goes!

I am posting my pics. I feel nervous about it but I want to. It is very visual for me to see how far I have come and to acknowledge that I have done really well in losing 11kgs.. hell it might inspire someone to change their diet and eat cleaner and achieve their goals?? Plus I figure posting my pics is no different to thinking I can wear a bikini down the beach in Summer like some women have the confidence to do lol I wanted to post them on the Ashy Bines Forum as the girls there are the best and so supportive but it will go on my newsfeed and I am sorry I don't want randoms seeing my pics just yet. It is a nasty nasty world out there lol. So I'll post here where it is all warm and fuzzy and I know not a lot of people read it... Well I don't think so anyway :-)

Please be kind and any negative comments... well keep them to yourselves lol

I have posted measurements too on the second pics!

I don't feel like there is much difference when I look at the pics but I know when I look at myself in person I can see changes and of course not to mention in clothes. Plus it is over 20cm over my body.



I also thought I'd add some face ones.

this was on holidays in January 2012. Swore these would be my last unflattering family shots!!!!!!

These are the pants I am wearing in the holiday pic!!!!

head shot in my dress I've not worn in a long time!

My precious monkey and I.  I love how my face is slimming down!!!!! This shirt is my all time favourite one and it is so baggy on me now!!!  Love it!


  1. Hey Weno!

    Thought I would catch up with all your blogs as I have been a bit slack of late!

    I just wanted to say how PROUD i am of you for doing this for yourself! And your confidence in your weight loss shows by posting your selfies, that must have been hard for you to do. (i can just see you overthinking wether or not you should have)But you are looking great me girl.
    Do you still have that dress from when you met Andrew that you wanted to fit back into????? The short summery one???? You know THE dress you had kept for years!??????

    Again I am soooooooo proud, and am glad to be sharing your journey with you.

    Ps I need some of your determination to rub off on me. I need to get fit (not lose weight) but I go two or three days then nothing for a week a two) just can't get it happening after work. ANYWAYS!

    Love ya to death!

    Shannen xoxox

    PS i gotta learn to subscribe to this properly! xoxoxox

  2. Thanks for sharing with us Wendi... i can certainly tell the difference... LOOK AT THOSE COLLAR BONES... you so inspirational. LOVE YOUR GUTS

  3. Wendi the difference is AMAZING!!! You go girlfriend you're kicking arse!!! You are CHOOSING it & you are DOING it!!!! WOOT!!! So awesome!! xx
