Sunday, February 5, 2012


Why do we believe in something if we can not hold true to that belief? I love my girls and I want the life for my girls that I had when growing up. A family that went out and did family things, trips to Wiseman's Ferry and other scenic spots. Arvos in the pool. I remember us all cramming into the Ford Falcon station wagon with dickie seats in the back. Waving to cars as we parked at lights and being generally cheeky. Sure there was some really heartbreaking moments in our youth. Things I won't go into it but I shut those out and remember the good times which were really great.

My parents raised us to stand on our own two feet, to respect your elders, to share in the household chores and that there isn't boy and girl jobs it is every one's task. To not lie about what we are doing or where we are going.

I have a fabulous relationship with my parents. I don't know if that stems from being the middle child and also being the one who lived at home the longest, though I think Ben has surpassed me. My mum is my best friend. I can tell her absolutely anything and do. She does not always agree with things I say or do but she listens to me and then supports me in that decision. We only became best friends once I became an adult really. Before that she was always mum, the person who set my boundaries, made the rules and helped me to grow as a person. I never thought of her as my best friend. She was mum. I could always go to her and talk to her but she always had her mum hat on. She ensured that I had the best information to make decisions. I know I have disappointed her over the years in various things but I know that I have tried to live by what I have been taught.

An incident occurred on FB recently where a teenager close to me had been talking about drinking on the weekend to her friend, then I see a post about her having a drink over the weekend. From the conversation had with her friend she was going to a party though I didn't see her mother's post at the end indicating any knowledge.  Anyway I commented and said I was disgusted that she would be drinking at such a young age and getting into those crowds etc etc. Especially after bragging about it on FB. I know that we have all taken drinks of our parent's drinks and my girl friends and I had given my brother some of our Lambrusco when out one night. But in saying that I know it was wrong and I have said numerous times that it was wrong and I myself was fairly young and stupid.... though still 18. 

Kids grow up in such an adult world these days and so keen to become adults and smoke, drink and have sex. You are such a kid for the most shortest time in your life. It is such a previous and gifted time. One you can never get back. You have the rest of your life being and adult and doing adult things.  Anyway I stand by my comments and if loved one's under the age of 18 start drinking well before their time then I feel passionate enough to say I am disgusted. I know there is peer pressure and those sorts of things but I got through my high school years without getting involved in wagging school, drinking parties, smoking etc. Yes I had earned the title of miss good two shoes from my siblings but I don't care and still don't care that "Wendi is the careful one". I have a good life and loved my 20's! I don't feel that I would have gained anymore or felt robbed by not drinking as a teenager. Sure I had a drink on my formal but it was a celebratory drink at a friend's mum's house before we left to go to the formal. Yes I tried smoking once and just never found the attraction to it and still don't. I don't find women who smoke sexy or attractive at all... don't get me started on the waste of money or even health issues. Yes I wagged school once when we were being posted to Townsville from Sydney. I figured I am leaving anyway. Yes I told mum cause I can't help myself. I know right from wrong and just never had a secretive nature. I want to bring my girls up the same. That lies don't get you anywhere and there are no secrets. I want them to know that there is boundaries, that they can talk to me if they need to but know I have strict rules in regards to things like this.

I was so angry and pissed about the comments left by the mother as initially her line of argument was about me saying I was disgusted in her daughter. Well yes I was. Being under the "assumption" that this had occurred at a party with friends and bragging about it on FB is disgusting. Having a sip of wine etc in a controlled environment is different to endorsing a full out kids party. Anyway after some back and forward comments it works out that she was at a party with her mother and she was there blah blah blah.  ok different story. Not a drama... why not say that in the first place FFS
I do feel that things got heated and out of line. I apologised and feel that maybe I should just not voice my opinion. I try not to imprint my opinions on people as I hate it when people do that to me. Things when you are pregnant, giving birth, raising children.. just in life and general. I try not to be one of those people and say it must be done my way as I am right. I know I didn't in this instance but I let my passion for what I believe is right get me angry unnecessarily. Any way live and learn.  Let others do their job as the parent. I can't make them see my way, nor make my thoughts and ideals be theirs. I'll just focus on my daughters and being the best role model for them and giving them a life which is full of love, trust and guidance. Not much more I can do than that.

Now where is the chocolate??? KIDDING..

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