Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Just Farking Do it!!!!

This was the little voice that got into my head this arvo. oooh that and Toni sitting on my shoulder telling me to get off my arse and nothing will change if I don't get out there.

I was dead tired! I really didn't think I was going to put much effort in but I figure that a walk is better than no walk.  So Lucille asleep, I put Eleanor in the pram carrier and off we go. In my head I am thinking along Casey, onto Wilkinson and then home. About 1.5kms if that. Nope I go the opposite way along Casey heading towards Wattle Ponds Dr. The place where my favourite hill for sprints is. What the Hell!! What is my mind doing to me!  Anyway so an hour later and I am back home in the driveway. 752 calories burnt!!!!! I did some hill sprints, some jogging and then at the park where Eleanor had a 10 min play I did step ups on the picnic bench seat, the logs encircling the playground, tricep dips, lunges and push ups. Kept moving the majority of the time I was there. Was awesome. I was going to go back home via Acacia Cct which is really steep!!! I wanted to take the challenge but Eleanor argued with me about the path so we took the path, to compensate though I jogged most of it. It loops from the park back to Casey Drive. Pretty much the beginning of our street. I was going to go left but it is longer by 300 mtrs to go back along Acacia onto Wilkinson and then into home. So we went that way. It goes down into a gully and then back up again. So I jogged the back up. HOLY SHIT!! the wind was against us so I had that to contend with too. Tried getting Eleanor to lean forward to even the weight a bit but she didn't understand so I soldiered on! Was awesome though. Nearly frigging died I am sure!!!! Max heart rate on my monitor was 185 and average was 154! Wowsers!!!!!

I am so pumped and I can feel my fitness improving! I can jog for longer but still struggle at points..

Anyway I rock!!!!!!!! Not doing food tonight. I'll do it in the morning. off to bed :-)

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