Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Oh crap!

Oh god I hate when Andrew goes away. I can't sleep at night and it takes me a good week to settle back in to being completely on my own with the girls.

It is not the help around the house with the girls as let's face it I do bloody everything, but it is just not having someone in the bed at night. Yes the house is safe blah blah blah but I don't know why it is so hard to settle straight in. Christ you would think I would be happy to not have anyone in the bed to annoy the shit out of me!!!

I guess it is just harder for me to wind down or something who knows.

Anyway what I do know is tonight I must get to bed early so I can get back on track. I am really slipping up and whilst my food has been good I need to really focus on the exercise again too!!!! Oh and water. Oh I need water!!! I am struggling to drink that too at the moment.. which I know would not be helping anything.

I think I am just overwhelmed with some financial stresses at the moment too. Thus causing even further sleeplessness. Oh why can't I be rich. Actually it is not even that really. I need to be working and back to bringing in a second income and that way we can remain on top of our bills. This move has been so financially draining. It is not classed as remote but shit it feels it compared to Townsville therefore loose a lot of allowances.

Anyway excuses excuses excuses.

Just pull my finger out and do it!!!!!

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